If the compiler sees the subroutine definition before invocation, or if Perl
can tell from the syntax that it’s a subroutine call, the subroutine can be called without
an ampersand, just like a built-in function. (But there’s a catch hidden in that rule, as
you’ll see in a moment.)
This means that if Perl can see that it’s a subroutine call without the ampersand, from
the syntax alone, that’s generally fine. That is, if you’ve got the parameter list in
parentheses, it’s got to be a function* call:
my @cards = shuffle(@deck_of_cards); # No & necessary on &shuffle
The catch is this: if the subroutine has the same name as
a Perl built-in, you must use the ampersand to call it. With an ampersand, you’re sure
to call the subroutine; without it, you can get the subroutine only if there’s no built-in
with the same name:
- #!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
great_fun(); # or use &great_fun;
sub great_fun{
print "yes";
- sub chomp {
print "Munch, munch!\n";
&chomp; # That ampersand is not
the real rule to use is this one: until you know the names of
all of Perl’s built-in functions, always use the ampersand on function calls.
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