This morning, I recover a database and forget to using the parameter
'UNTIL CANCEL'. Then open the database with resetlogs, it warn that
system datafile is not consist. After read the online document, know
that I am always confused about this concept. Remind it!
In cancel-based recovery, recovery proceeds by prompting you with
the suggested filenames of archived redo log files. Recovery stops when
you specify CANCEL
instead of a filename or when all redo has been applied to the datafiles.
Cancel-based recovery is better than change-based or time-based
recovery if you want to control which archived log terminates recovery.
For example, you may know that you have lost all logs past sequence
1234, so you want to cancel recovery after log 1233 is applied.
The database indicates whether recovery is successful. If you cancel
before all the datafiles have been recovered to a consistent SCN and
then try to open the database, you will get an ORA-1113
error if more recovery is necessary. As explained in , you can query V$RECOVER_FILE
to determine whether more recovery is needed, or if a backup of a
datafile was not restored prior to starting incomplete recovery.