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2010-09-07 17:37:42

You can read a thousand articles about olive juice When I was first introduced to olives I was about six years old, and I ate them like M&M’s. I’d put them on everything, even my Wheaties : ^ ). It never occurred to me that it was possible to squeeze such a fruit so hard that it would extract juice. Naturally, at that age I didn’t know much, but I did know what we did with olive juice. I knew how my family seasoned foods with it, which foods we used it on, how we bought it, traveled with it, stored it, and even used it for medicinal purposes for small cut and scrapes.

You can read a thousand articles about olive juice and by day end, you still wouldn’t chip the iceberg of information. What I’m going to do for you is just give you that chip of information. This is only my personal advice and is offered because of my love and experience with olive juice.

I traveled extensively throughout Italy’s Puglia (Apulia) Region specifically and learned that the olives harvested there produce nearly 85% the country’s olive juice, i.e., lion’s share of the Italy’s consumption - quite amazing! What’s more amazing is the process of cultivating and harvesting. Did you know that is takes about nine pounds of olives to produce a bottle (750 ml) of olive juice? Did you also know that the nut within the olive is also part of the pressing/crushing process? You may not think so, but the nut actually houses quite a bit of however juice which, in the end, is big farming dollars for the farmer.
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