关于IN和OR的区别,在High performance mysql 3rd中,有一段话描述的非常清楚:
IN() list comparisons
In many database servers, IN() is just a synonym for multiple OR clauses, because the two are logically equivalent. Not so in MySQL, which sorts the values in the
IN() list and uses a fast binary search to see whether a value is in the list. This is O(log n) in the size of the list, whereas an equivalent series of OR clauses is O(n) in
the size of the list (i.e., much slower for large lists).
[1] 对IN列表中的数值进行排序。
[2] 对于查询的匹配,每次使用二分查找去匹配IN列表的数值。
所以对于第[2]步,每次比较的算法复杂度大概为O(log n)。相反,对于同样逻辑的OR列表,每次都要遍历,所以OR相应的算法复杂度为O(n)(因此对于遍历非常大的OR列表,会很缓慢!)。
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