分类: C/C++
2011-04-28 16:27:56
struct ListNode
int m_nKey;
ListNode* m_pNext;
如果链表的结点数不多,这是一种很好的方法。但如果输入的链表的结点个数 很多,有可能不能一次性把整个链表都从硬盘读入物理内存,那么遍历两遍意味着一个结点需要两次从硬盘读入到物理内存。我们知道把数据从硬盘读入到内存是非 常耗时间的操作。我们能不能把链表遍历的次数减少到1?如果可以,将能有效地提高代码执行的时间效率。
// Find the kth node from the tail of a list
// Input: pListHead - the head of list
// k - the distance to the tail
// Output: the kth node from the tail of a list
ListNode* FindKthToTail_Solution1(ListNode* pListHead, unsigned int k)
if(pListHead == NULL)
return NULL;
// count the nodes number in the list
ListNode *pCur = pListHead;
unsigned int nNum = 0;
while(pCur->m_pNext != NULL)
pCur = pCur->m_pNext;
nNum ;
// if the number of nodes in the list is less than k
// do nothing
if(nNum < k)
return NULL;
// the kth node from the tail of a list
// is the (n - k)th node from the head
pCur = pListHead;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < nNum - k; i)
pCur = pCur->m_pNext;
return pCur;
// Find the kth node from the tail of a list
// Input: pListHead - the head of list
// k - the distance to the tail
// Output: the kth node from the tail of a list
ListNode* FindKthToTail_Solution2(ListNode* pListHead, unsigned int k)
if(pListHead == NULL)
return NULL;
ListNode *pAhead = pListHead;
ListNode *pBehind = NULL;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < k; i)
if(pAhead->m_pNext != NULL)
pAhead = pAhead->m_pNext;
// if the number of nodes in the list is less than k,
// do nothing
return NULL;
pBehind = pListHead;
// the distance between pAhead and pBehind is k
// when pAhead arrives at the tail, p
// Behind is at the kth node from the tail
while(pAhead->m_pNext != NULL)
pAhead = pAhead->m_pNext;
pBehind = pBehind->m_pNext;
return pBehind;