So, here we are again. i finally got fiber, unfortunately its via PPPoE (dont ask).

 At least the client has improved over the years since i last used it, which must have been 7 years ago or something. anyway, my memory isn’t what it used to b…hmm, nevermind. my memory more or less always fails to remember anything at all, so of course i ran into problems again. here’s some output from /var/log/syslog after trying to start pppoe.

 (i actually did compile a new kernel with support for PPP, but i forgot something…)

Oct 26 23:39:16 foo pppd[3069]: pppd 2.4.4 started by root, uid 0
Oct 26 23:39:16 foo pppd[3069]: Serial connection established.
Oct 26 23:39:16 foo pppd[3069]: Couldn’t set tty to PPP discipline: Invalid argument
Oct 26 23:39:16 foo pppoe[3071]: PADS: Service-Name: ”
Oct 26 23:39:16 foo pppoe[3071]: PPP session is 41216 (0xa100)
Oct 26 23:39:16 foo pppoe[3071]: read (asyncReadFromPPP): Session 41216: Input/output error
Oct 26 23:39:16 foo pppoe[3071]: Sent PADT
Oct 26 23:39:46 foo pppd[3069]: Serial connection established.

In short,i forgot to compile support for “PPP support for async serial ports”