//摘自linux2.6.24 gliethttp_20080530
#include "sprintf.h"
typedef unsigned long size_t;
typedef int ptrdiff_t;
#define noinline __attribute__((noinline))
#define unlikely(x) ( (!!(x)) == 1 )
#define WARN_ON(x)
#define do_div(a,b) (a / b)
#define INT_MAX ((int)(~0U>>1))
#define PAGE_SIZE (1024*8)
#ifndef NULL
#define NULL 0
#define _U 0x01 /* upper */
#define _L 0x02 /* lower */
#define _D 0x04 /* digit */
#define _C 0x08 /* cntrl */
#define _P 0x10 /* punct */
#define _S 0x20 /* white space (space/lf/tab) */
#define _X 0x40 /* hex digit */
#define _SP 0x80 /* hard space (0x20) */
extern unsigned char _ctype[];
#define __ismask(x) (_ctype[(int)(unsigned char)(x)])
#define isalnum(c) ((__ismask(c)&(_U|_L|_D)) != 0)
#define isalpha(c) ((__ismask(c)&(_U|_L)) != 0)
#define iscntrl(c) ((__ismask(c)&(_C)) != 0)
#define isdigit(c) ((__ismask(c)&(_D)) != 0)
#define isgraph(c) ((__ismask(c)&(_P|_U|_L|_D)) != 0)
#define islower(c) ((__ismask(c)&(_L)) != 0)
#define isprint(c) ((__ismask(c)&(_P|_U|_L|_D|_SP)) != 0)
#define ispunct(c) ((__ismask(c)&(_P)) != 0)
#define isspace(c) ((__ismask(c)&(_S)) != 0)
#define isupper(c) ((__ismask(c)&(_U)) != 0)
#define isxdigit(c) ((__ismask(c)&(_D|_X)) != 0)
#define isascii(c) (((unsigned char)(c))<=0x7f)
#define toascii(c) (((unsigned char)(c))&0x7f)
#define ZEROPAD 1 /* pad with zero */
#define SIGN 2 /* unsigned/signed long */
#define PLUS 4 /* show plus */
#define SPACE 8 /* space if plus */
#define LEFT 16 /* left justified */
#define SPECIAL 32 /* 0x */
#define LARGE 64 /* use 'ABCDEF' instead of 'abcdef' */
static char *number(char *buf, char *end, unsigned long long num, int base, int size, int precision, int type);
static noinline char* put_dec(char *buf, unsigned long long num);
static int skip_atoi(const char **s);
size_t strnlen(const char *s, size_t count);
int vsnprintf(char *buf, size_t size, const char *fmt, va_list args);
int sprintf2(char * buf, const char *fmt, ...)
va_list args;
int i;
va_start(args, fmt);
i=vsnprintf(buf, INT_MAX, fmt, args);
return i;
int vsnprintf(char *buf, size_t size, const char *fmt, va_list args)
int len;
unsigned long long num;
int i, base;
char *str, *end, c;
const char *s;
int flags; /* flags to number() */
int field_width; /* width of output field */
int precision; /* min. # of digits for integers; max
number of chars for from string */
int qualifier; /* 'h', 'l', or 'L' for integer fields */
/* 'z' support added 23/7/1999 S.H. */
/* 'z' changed to 'Z' --davidm 1/25/99 */
/* 't' added for ptrdiff_t */
/* Reject out-of-range values early. Large positive sizes are
used for unknown buffer sizes. */
if (unlikely((int) size < 0)) {
/* There can be only one.. */
static char warn = 1;
warn = 0;
return 0;
str = buf;
end = buf + size;
/* Make sure end is always >= buf */
if (end < buf) {
end = ((void *)-1);
size = end - buf;
for (; *fmt ; ++fmt) {
if (*fmt != '%') {
if (str < end)
*str = *fmt;
/* process flags */
flags = 0;
++fmt; /* this also skips first '%' */
switch (*fmt) {
case '-': flags |= LEFT; goto repeat;
case '+': flags |= PLUS; goto repeat;
case ' ': flags |= SPACE; goto repeat;
case '#': flags |= SPECIAL; goto repeat;
case '0': flags |= ZEROPAD; goto repeat;
/* get field width */
field_width = -1;
if (isdigit(*fmt))
field_width = skip_atoi(&fmt);
else if (*fmt == '*') {
/* it's the next argument */
field_width = va_arg(args, int);
if (field_width < 0) {
field_width = -field_width;
flags |= LEFT;
/* get the precision */
precision = -1;
if (*fmt == '.') {
if (isdigit(*fmt))
precision = skip_atoi(&fmt);
else if (*fmt == '*') {
/* it's the next argument */
precision = va_arg(args, int);
if (precision < 0)
precision = 0;
/* get the conversion qualifier */
qualifier = -1;
if (*fmt == 'h' || *fmt == 'l' || *fmt == 'L' ||
*fmt =='Z' || *fmt == 'z' || *fmt == 't') {
qualifier = *fmt;
if (qualifier == 'l' && *fmt == 'l') {
qualifier = 'L';
/* default base */
base = 10;
switch (*fmt) {
case 'c':
if (!(flags & LEFT)) {
while (--field_width > 0) {
if (str < end)
*str = ' ';
c = (unsigned char) va_arg(args, int);
if (str < end)
*str = c;
while (--field_width > 0) {
if (str < end)
*str = ' ';
case 's':
s = va_arg(args, char *);
if ((unsigned long)s < PAGE_SIZE)
s = "";
len = strnlen(s, precision);
if (!(flags & LEFT)) {
while (len < field_width--) {
if (str < end)
*str = ' ';
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
if (str < end)
*str = *s;
++str; ++s;
while (len < field_width--) {
if (str < end)
*str = ' ';
case 'p':
if (field_width == -1) {
field_width = 2*sizeof(void *);
flags |= ZEROPAD;
str = number(str, end,
(unsigned long) va_arg(args, void *),
16, field_width, precision, flags);
case 'n':
* What does C99 say about the overflow case here? */
if (qualifier == 'l') {
long * ip = va_arg(args, long *);
*ip = (str - buf);
} else if (qualifier == 'Z' || qualifier == 'z') {
size_t * ip = va_arg(args, size_t *);
*ip = (str - buf);
} else {
int * ip = va_arg(args, int *);
*ip = (str - buf);
case '%':
if (str < end)
*str = '%';
/* integer number formats - set up the flags and "break" */
case 'o':
base = 8;
case 'X':
flags |= LARGE;
case 'x':
base = 16;
case 'd':
case 'i':
flags |= SIGN;
case 'u':
if (str < end)
*str = '%';
if (*fmt) {
if (str < end)
*str = *fmt;
} else {
if (qualifier == 'L')
num = va_arg(args, long long);
else if (qualifier == 'l') {
num = va_arg(args, unsigned long);
if (flags & SIGN)
num = (signed long) num;
} else if (qualifier == 'Z' || qualifier == 'z') {
num = va_arg(args, size_t);
} else if (qualifier == 't') {
num = va_arg(args, ptrdiff_t);
} else if (qualifier == 'h') {
num = (unsigned short) va_arg(args, int);
if (flags & SIGN)
num = (signed short) num;
} else {
num = va_arg(args, unsigned int);
if (flags & SIGN)
num = (signed int) num;
str = number(str, end, num, base,
field_width, precision, flags);
if (size > 0) {
if (str < end)
*str = '\0';
end[-1] = '\0';
/* the trailing null byte doesn't count towards the total */
return str-buf;
static char *number(char *buf, char *end, unsigned long long num, int base, int size, int precision, int type)
char sign,tmp[66];
const char *digits;
/* we are called with base 8, 10 or 16, only, thus don't need "g..." */
static const char small_digits[] = "0123456789abcdefx"; /* "ghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; */
static const char large_digits[] = "0123456789ABCDEFX"; /* "GHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; */
int need_pfx = ((type & SPECIAL) && base != 10);
int i;
digits = (type & LARGE) ? large_digits : small_digits;
if (type & LEFT)
type &= ~ZEROPAD;
if (base < 2 || base > 36)
return NULL;
sign = 0;
if (type & SIGN) {
if ((signed long long) num < 0) {
sign = '-';
num = - (signed long long) num;
} else if (type & PLUS) {
sign = '+';
} else if (type & SPACE) {
sign = ' ';
if (need_pfx) {
if (base == 16)
/* generate full string in tmp[], in reverse order */
i = 0;
if (num == 0)
tmp[i++] = '0';
/* Generic code, for any base:
else do {
tmp[i++] = digits[do_div(num,base)];
} while (num != 0);
else if (base != 10) { /* 8 or 16 */
int mask = base - 1;
int shift = 3;
if (base == 16) shift = 4;
do {
tmp[i++] = digits[((unsigned char)num) & mask];
num >>= shift;
} while (num);
} else { /* base 10 */
i = put_dec(tmp, num) - tmp;
/* printing 100 using %2d gives "100", not "00" */
if (i > precision)
precision = i;
/* leading space padding */
size -= precision;
if (!(type & (ZEROPAD+LEFT))) {
while(--size >= 0) {
if (buf < end)
*buf = ' ';
/* sign */
if (sign) {
if (buf < end)
*buf = sign;
/* "0x" / "0" prefix */
if (need_pfx) {
if (buf < end)
*buf = '0';
if (base == 16) {
if (buf < end)
*buf = digits[16]; /* for arbitrary base: digits[33]; */
/* zero or space padding */
if (!(type & LEFT)) {
char c = (type & ZEROPAD) ? '0' : ' ';
while (--size >= 0) {
if (buf < end)
*buf = c;
/* hmm even more zero padding? */
while (i <= --precision) {
if (buf < end)
*buf = '0';
/* actual digits of result */
while (--i >= 0) {
if (buf < end)
*buf = tmp[i];
/* trailing space padding */
while (--size >= 0) {
if (buf < end)
*buf = ' ';
return buf;
static char* put_dec_trunc(char *buf, unsigned q)
unsigned d3, d2, d1, d0;
d1 = (q>>4) & 0xf;
d2 = (q>>8) & 0xf;
d3 = (q>>12);
d0 = 6*(d3 + d2 + d1) + (q & 0xf);
q = (d0 * 0xcd) >> 11;
d0 = d0 - 10*q;
*buf++ = d0 + '0'; /* least significant digit */
d1 = q + 9*d3 + 5*d2 + d1;
if (d1 != 0) {
q = (d1 * 0xcd) >> 11;
d1 = d1 - 10*q;
*buf++ = d1 + '0'; /* next digit */
d2 = q + 2*d2;
if ((d2 != 0) || (d3 != 0)) {
q = (d2 * 0xd) >> 7;
d2 = d2 - 10*q;
*buf++ = d2 + '0'; /* next digit */
d3 = q + 4*d3;
if (d3 != 0) {
q = (d3 * 0xcd) >> 11;
d3 = d3 - 10*q;
*buf++ = d3 + '0'; /* next digit */
if (q != 0)
*buf++ = q + '0'; /* most sign. digit */
return buf;
/* Same with if's removed. Always emits five digits */
static char* put_dec_full(char *buf, unsigned q)
/* BTW, if q is in [0,9999], 8-bit ints will be enough, */
/* but anyway, gcc produces better code with full-sized ints */
unsigned d3, d2, d1, d0;
d1 = (q>>4) & 0xf;
d2 = (q>>8) & 0xf;
d3 = (q>>12);
/* Possible ways to approx. divide by 10 */
/* gcc -O2 replaces multiply with shifts and adds */
// (x * 0xcd) >> 11: 11001101 - shorter code than * 0x67 (on i386)
// (x * 0x67) >> 10: 1100111
// (x * 0x34) >> 9: 110100 - same
// (x * 0x1a) >> 8: 11010 - same
// (x * 0x0d) >> 7: 1101 - same, shortest code (on i386)
d0 = 6*(d3 + d2 + d1) + (q & 0xf);
q = (d0 * 0xcd) >> 11;
d0 = d0 - 10*q;
*buf++ = d0 + '0';
d1 = q + 9*d3 + 5*d2 + d1;
q = (d1 * 0xcd) >> 11;
d1 = d1 - 10*q;
*buf++ = d1 + '0';
d2 = q + 2*d2;
q = (d2 * 0xd) >> 7;
d2 = d2 - 10*q;
*buf++ = d2 + '0';
d3 = q + 4*d3;
q = (d3 * 0xcd) >> 11; /* - shorter code */
/* q = (d3 * 0x67) >> 10; - would also work */
d3 = d3 - 10*q;
*buf++ = d3 + '0';
*buf++ = q + '0';
return buf;
/* No inlining helps gcc to use registers better */
#ifndef __gliethttp_sprintf_h
#define __gliethttp_sprintf_h
typedef char * va_list;
#define _INTSIZEOF(n) ( (sizeof(n) + sizeof(int) - 1) & ~(sizeof(int) - 1) )
#define va_start(ap,v) ( ap = (va_list)&v + _INTSIZEOF(v) )
#define va_arg(ap,t) ( *(t *)((ap += _INTSIZEOF(t)) - _INTSIZEOF(t)) )
#define va_end(ap) ( ap = (va_list)0 )
int sprintf2(char * buf, const char *fmt, ...);
static noinline char* put_dec(char *buf, unsigned long long num)
while (1) {
unsigned rem;
if (num < 100000)
return put_dec_trunc(buf, num);
rem = do_div(num, 100000);
buf = put_dec_full(buf, rem);
static int skip_atoi(const char **s)
int i=0;
while (isdigit(**s))
i = i*10 + *((*s)++) - '0';
return i;
size_t strnlen(const char *s, size_t count)
const char *sc;
for (sc = s; count-- && *sc != '\0'; ++sc)
/* nothing */;
return sc - s;
unsigned char _ctype[] = {
_C,_C,_C,_C,_C,_C,_C,_C, /* 0-7 */
_C,_C|_S,_C|_S,_C|_S,_C|_S,_C|_S,_C,_C, /* 8-15 */
_C,_C,_C,_C,_C,_C,_C,_C, /* 16-23 */
_C,_C,_C,_C,_C,_C,_C,_C, /* 24-31 */
_S|_SP,_P,_P,_P,_P,_P,_P,_P, /* 32-39 */
_P,_P,_P,_P,_P,_P,_P,_P, /* 40-47 */
_D,_D,_D,_D,_D,_D,_D,_D, /* 48-55 */
_D,_D,_P,_P,_P,_P,_P,_P, /* 56-63 */
_P,_U|_X,_U|_X,_U|_X,_U|_X,_U|_X,_U|_X,_U, /* 64-71 */
_U,_U,_U,_U,_U,_U,_U,_U, /* 72-79 */
_U,_U,_U,_U,_U,_U,_U,_U, /* 80-87 */
_U,_U,_U,_P,_P,_P,_P,_P, /* 88-95 */
_P,_L|_X,_L|_X,_L|_X,_L|_X,_L|_X,_L|_X,_L, /* 96-103 */
_L,_L,_L,_L,_L,_L,_L,_L, /* 104-111 */
_L,_L,_L,_L,_L,_L,_L,_L, /* 112-119 */
_L,_L,_L,_P,_P,_P,_P,_C, /* 120-127 */
0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, /* 128-143 */
0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, /* 144-159 */
_S|_SP,_P,_P,_P,_P,_P,_P,_P,_P,_P,_P,_P,_P,_P,_P,_P, /* 160-175 */
_P,_P,_P,_P,_P,_P,_P,_P,_P,_P,_P,_P,_P,_P,_P,_P, /* 176-191 */
_U,_U,_U,_U,_U,_U,_U,_U,_U,_U,_U,_U,_U,_U,_U,_U, /* 192-207 */
_U,_U,_U,_U,_U,_U,_U,_P,_U,_U,_U,_U,_U,_U,_U,_L, /* 208-223 */
_L,_L,_L,_L,_L,_L,_L,_L,_L,_L,_L,_L,_L,_L,_L,_L, /* 224-239 */
_L,_L,_L,_L,_L,_L,_L,_P,_L,_L,_L,_L,_L,_L,_L,_L}; /* 240-255 */