/* launch timer for next picture */
schedule_refresh(is, (int)(compute_frame_delay(vp->pts, is) * 1000 + 0.5));
static double compute_frame_delay(double frame_current_pts, VideoState *is){
double actual_delay, delay, sync_threshold, ref_clock, diff;
/* compute nominal delay */
delay = frame_current_pts - is->frame_last_pts; // frame_last_pts存着上一帧图像的pts,用当前帧的pts减去上一帧的pts,从而计算出一个估计的delay值
if (delay <= 0 || delay >= 10.0) { // 这个delay值有一个范围,如果超出范围的话,则用上一次的delay值
/* if incorrect delay, use previous one */
delay = is->frame_last_delay; // frame_last_delay存放前面一次计算得到的delay值
} else {
is->frame_last_delay = delay; // 如果计算出来的值合法,则保存下来
is->frame_last_pts = frame_current_pts; // 将当前帧的pts保存下来
/* update delay to follow master synchronisation source */ // 更新delay值用于跟随主同步源
if (((is->av_sync_type == AV_SYNC_AUDIO_MASTER && is->audio_st) ||
is->av_sync_type == AV_SYNC_EXTERNAL_CLOCK)) { // 音频做主同步源或外部时钟做同步源时进入
/* if video is slave, we try to correct big delays by
duplicating or deleting a frame */
ref_clock = get_master_clock(is); // 得到主时钟源的当前时钟值做为参考时钟
diff = frame_current_pts - ref_clock; // 当前帧的pts减去参考时钟,结果diff可能为正值,也可能为负值
/* skip or repeat frame. We take into account the
delay to compute the threshold. I still don't know
if it is the best guess */
sync_threshold = FFMAX(AV_SYNC_THRESHOLD, delay); // delay和AV_SYNC_THRESHOLD之间取一个最大值
if (fabs(diff) < AV_NOSYNC_THRESHOLD) {
if (diff <= -sync_threshold) // sync_threshold绝对是个>0的值
delay = 0; // 如果diff是个很小的负数,则说明当前视频帧已经落后于主时钟源了,下一帧图像应该快点显示,所以delay=0
else if (diff >= sync_threshold)
delay = 2 * delay; // 如果diff是一个比较大的正数,则说明当前视频帧已经超前于主时钟源了,下一帧图像应该延迟显示
is->frame_timer += delay; // frame_timer是一个delay累加的值,
/* compute the REAL delay (we need to do that to avoid
long term errors */
actual_delay = is->frame_timer - (av_gettime() / 1000000.0); // frame_timer减去当前系统时钟,得到一个actual_delay值
if (actual_delay < 0.010) {
/* XXX: should skip picture */
actual_delay = 0.010;
#if defined(DEBUG_SYNC)
printf("video: delay=%0.3f actual_delay=%0.3f pts=%0.3f A-V=%f\n",
delay, actual_delay, frame_current_pts, -diff);
return actual_delay; // actual_delay将做为下一次帧图像更新的TIMER参数
1. 在ffplay当中并没有跳帧的作法,只是通过控制视频帧显示速度来实现音/视频同步的。
2. 一般情况下,音频不容易同步到视频,但视频比较容易同步到音频,因为音频输出的采样率等参数一般都是固定的,设定好以后消耗数据的速率基本是固定的,很难在播放过程当中动态调整,
static void stream_pause(VideoState *is)
is->paused = !is->paused; // 反转paused值
if (!is->paused) {
// 如果是resume操作,则要更新当前视频帧的pts
is->video_current_pts = get_video_clock(is);
// video_current_pts_time记录了上一帧视频图像显示时的系统时钟, av_gettime() - is->video_current_pts_time得到的结果刚好是pause这段时间间隔,通过这种方式保证了frame_timer永远记录的是ffplay启动后到当前时间点的时间间隔
is->frame_timer += (av_gettime() - is->video_current_pts_time) / 1000000.0;
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