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2006-05-08 16:13:33

1.6.6. Signals and Interprocess Communication



Unix signals provide a mechanism for notifying processes of system events. Each event has its own signal number, which is usually referred to by a symbolic constant such as SIGTERM. There are two kinds of system events:




Asynchronous notifications



For instance, a user can send the interrupt signal SIGINT to a foreground process by pressing the interrupt keycode (usually Ctrl-C) at the terminal.



Synchronous notifications



For instance, the kernel sends the signal SIGSEGV to a process when it accesses a memory location at an invalid address.



The POSIX standard defines about 20 different signals, 2 of which are user-definable and may be used as a primitive mechanism for communication and synchronization among processes in User Mode. In general, a process may react to a signal delivery in two possible ways:



Ignore the signal.


Asynchronously execute a specified procedure (the signal handler).



If the process does not specify one of these alternatives, the kernel performs a default action that depends on the signal number. The five possible default actions are:



Terminate the process.



Write the execution context and the contents of the address space in a file (core dump) and terminate the process.



Ignore the signal.



Suspend the process.



Resume the process's execution, if it was stopped.


Kernel signal handling is rather elaborate, because the POSIX semantics allows processes to temporarily block signals. Moreover, the SIGKILL and SIGSTOP signals cannot be directly handled by the process or ignored.



AT&T's Unix System V introduced other kinds of interprocess communication among processes in User Mode, which have been adopted by many Unix kernels: semaphores , message queues , and shared memory . They are collectively known as System V IPC.

AT&TUnix System V还对用户态进程间通信提供了其他机制。这些机制还被很多Unix系统所采用。这些机制包括信号量,消息队列,共享内存;总称为System V进程间通信。


The kernel implements these constructs as IPC resources. A process acquires a resource by invoking a shmget( ) , semget( ) , or msgget( ) system call. Just like files, IPC resources are persistent: they must be explicitly deallocated by the creator process, by the current owner, or by a superuser process.

内核把这些进程间通信机制实现为进程间通信资源。一个进程通过调用shmget(), semget()或者msgget()系统调用来获得一个进程间通信资源。如同普通文件一样,IPC资源也是持久化的:它们必须被创建者,当前所有者,或者超级用户释放,才从系统中消失。


Semaphores are similar to those described in the section "Synchronization and Critical Regions," earlier in this chapter, except that they are reserved for processes in User Mode. Message queues allow processes to exchange messages by using the msgsnd( ) and msgrcv( ) system calls, which insert a message into a specific message queue and extract a message from it, respectively.



The POSIX standard (IEEE Std 1003.1-2001) defines an IPC mechanism based on message queues, which is usually known as POSIX message queues . They are similar to the System V IPC's message queues, but they have a much simpler file-based interface to the applications.

POSIX标准1003.1-2001基于消息队列定义了一种IPC机制,就是通常被称为“POSIX消息队列”的。POSIX消息队列和System V消息队列相似,但拥有一个形式更简单、功能更丰富、基于文件的接口。


Shared memory provides the fastest way for processes to exchange and share data. A process starts by issuing a shmget( ) system call to create a new shared memory having a required size. After obtaining the IPC resource identifier, the process invokes the shmat( ) system call, which returns the starting address of the new region within the process address space. When the process wishes to detach the shared memory from its address space, it invokes the shmdt( ) system call. The implementation of shared memory depends on how the kernel implements process address spaces.




1.6.7. Process Management



Unix makes a neat distinction between the process and the program it is executing. To that end, the fork( ) and _exit( ) system calls are used respectively to create a new process and to terminate it, while an exec( )-like system call is invoked to load a new program. After such a system call is executed, the process resumes execution with a brand new address space containing the loaded program.



The process that invokes a fork( ) is the parent, while the new process is its child. Parents and children can find one another because the data structure describing each process includes a pointer to its immediate parent and pointers to all its immediate children.



A naive implementation of the fork( ) would require both the parent's data and the parent's code to be duplicated and the copies assigned to the child. This would be quite time consuming. Current kernels that can rely on hardware paging units follow the Copy-On-Write approach, which defers page duplication until the last moment (i.e., until the parent or the child is required to write into a page). We shall describe how Linux implements this technique in the section "Copy On Write" in Chapter 9.

一种较为原始的fork()系统调用的实现方法,是把父进程的数据和代码都复制一份,把拷贝交给子进程。这种方法很费时,现代的kernel都能很好地利用硬件中的内存分页功能,以便采用copy on write的策略。这一策略使得内存页面的复制得以被推迟到必须发生的时候,即父进程或者子进程要对该内存页面执行写操作,更改内存页面的内容的时候。我们会在第九章中描述关于这一技术在linux中的实现。


The _exit( ) system call terminates a process. The kernel handles this system call by releasing the resources owned by the process and sending the parent process a SIGCHLD signal, which is ignored by default.

_exit()系统调用用于终止一个进程。核心处理这个调用的时候释放进程的全部资源并向其父进程发送SIGCHLD信号,缺省情况下这个信号是被父进程忽略的。 Zombie processes



How can a parent process inquire about termination of its children? The wait4( ) system call allows a process to wait until one of its children terminates; it returns the process ID (PID) of the terminated child.



When executing this system call, the kernel checks whether a child has already terminated. A special zombie process state is introduced to represent terminated processes: a process remains in that state until its parent process executes a wait4( ) system call on it. The system call handler extracts data about resource usage from the process descriptor fields; the process descriptor may be released once the data is collected. If no child process has already terminated when the wait4( ) system call is executed, the kernel usually puts the process in a wait state until a child terminates.



Many kernels also implement a waitpid( ) system call, which allows a process to wait for a specific child process. Other variants of wait4( ) system calls are also quite common.



It's good practice for the kernel to keep around information on a child process until the parent issues its wait4( ) call, but suppose the parent process terminates without issuing that call? The information takes up valuable memory slots that could be used to serve living processes. For example, many shells allow the user to start a command in the background and then log out. The process that is running the command shell terminates, but its children continue their execution.

系统内核保留子进程的有关信息,直到其父进程调用wait4()。这通常是一种好的做法,但是如果父进程结束前始终未调用wait4(), kernel保存的进程信息占用了宝贵的内存资源,并且别的活动进程也不能再利用这些资源。例如很多shell允许用户启动一个后台进程,然后注销登录,此时shell进程(父进程)随即结束(而且并未调用wait4),但是那个后台进程(子进程)仍然在继续执行。


The solution lies in a special system process called init, which is created during system initialization. When a process terminates, the kernel changes the appropriate process descriptor pointers of all the existing children of the terminated process to make them become children of init. This process monitors the execution of all its children and routinely issues wait4( ) system calls, whose side effect is to get rid of all orphaned zombies.

这个问题依靠一个称为init的进程来解决。该进程在系统初始化的时候被创建,任何进程结束时,kernel更改其所有子进程的描述符,使他们都变成init进程的子进程,init监视其全部子进程并适时调用wait4()来除去这些僵尸状态的孤儿进程。 Process groups and login sessions



Modern Unix operating systems introduce the notion of process groups to represent a "job" abstraction. For example, in order to execute the command line:



    $ ls | sort | more


a shell that supports process groups, such as bash, creates a new group for the three processes corresponding to ls, sort, and more. In this way, the shell acts on the three processes as if they were a single entity (the job, to be precise). Each process descriptor includes a field containing the process group ID . Each group of processes may have a group leader, which is the process whose PID coincides with the process group ID. A newly created process is initially inserted into the process group of its parent.

一个支持进程组概念的shell,如bash,会为ls, sort, more对应的三个进程创建一个进程组,这样shell即可把这些进程当作一个实体对其进行操作(准确地说就是一件“工作”)。每个进程描述符都有一个成员描述其所属的进程组,每个进程组可以有一个进程组头进程,它的PID和这个进程组的ID相同。一个新创建的进程一开始总是被加入其父进程所在的进程组。


Modern Unix kernels also introduce login sessions. Informally, a login session contains all processes that are descendants of the process that has started a working session on a specific terminalusually, the first command shell process created for the user. All processes in a process group must be in the same login session. A login session may have several process groups active simultaneously; one of these process groups is always in the foreground, which means that it has access to the terminal. The other active process groups are in the background. When a background process tries to access the terminal, it receives a SIGTTIN or SIGTTOUT signal. In many command shells, the internal commands bg and fg can be used to put a process group in either the background or the foreground.


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