今天把zabbix2.2.0升级到了2.4.0,服务端启动成功了。但是在管理界面下 Zabbix server is running 是NO 就去看了下log 发现了几个错误
16701:20140925:191733.530 Starting Zabbix Server. Zabbix 2.4.0 (revision 48953).
16701:20140925:191733.530 ****** Enabled features ******
16701:20140925:191733.530 SNMP monitoring: YES
16701:20140925:191733.530 IPMI monitoring: YES
16701:20140925:191733.530 WEB monitoring: YES
16701:20140925:191733.530 VMware monitoring: NO
16701:20140925:191733.530 Jabber notifications: NO
16701:20140925:191733.530 Ez Texting notifications: YES
16701:20140925:191733.530 ODBC: NO
16701:20140925:191733.530 SSH2 support: NO
16701:20140925:191733.531 IPv6 support: NO
16701:20140925:191733.531 ******************************
16701:20140925:191733.531 using configuration file: /opt/zabbix/etc/zabbix_server.conf
15996:20140925:191145.759 completed 97% of database upgrade
15996:20140925:191147.139 completed 98% of database upgrade
15996:20140925:191147.422 completed 99% of database upgrade
15996:20140925:191147.428 completed 100% of database upgrade
15996:20140925:191147.428 database upgrade fully completed
15996:20140925:191148.800 __mem_malloc: skipped 0 asked 48 skip_min 0 skip_max 4294967295
15996:20140925:191148.800 [file:dbconfig.c,line:445] zbx_mem_malloc(): out of memory (requested 44 bytes)
15996:20140925:191148.800 [file:dbconfig.c,line:445] zbx_mem_malloc(): please increase CacheSize configuration parameter
15996:20140925:191148.800 [file:dbconfig.c,line:445] zbx_mem_malloc(): out of memory (requested 44 bytes)
15996:20140925:191148.800 [file:dbconfig.c,line:445] zbx_mem_malloc(): please increase CacheSize configuration parameter
打开zabbix_server.conf 找到 Option: CacheSize
把原来的 # CacheSize=8M 前面的#注释去掉,将8M修改为1024,这个1024根据服务器性能修改。
### Option: CacheSize
# Size of configuration cache, in bytes.
# Shared memory size for storing host, item and trigger data.
# Mandatory: no
# Range: 128K-8G
# Default:
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