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2008-03-07 17:02:35

Half progress, only one node now. To be continued.
Setup Windows 2003 Cluster in VMs
1. Requirements:
a. Domain & DNS
b. SAN LUN: emulated by WinTarget
c. Two Windows 2003 hosts, each with two NICs
d. An available static IP for cluster management

2. Preparation:
a. A VM installed with Windows 2003, Setup DNS and Domain, called DC here.
b. A VM installed with Windows 2003, install WinTarget, add virtual disks to this VM, create WTDs (WinTarget Disk) in WinTarget Console, called WinTarget host here.
c. Two VMs installed Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition, add another NIC (total two NICs) to each VM, called Node A and Node B here.
3. Configuration for the first cluster node:
a. Add Node A to Domain
My Computer -> Properties -> Computer Name tab

Click Change… button, change Member of from Workgroup to Domain, and input the domain name you have set up

The join procedure need an account with permission to join the domain. Domain Admin is OK.

If the join is successful, you will see welcome page and reminder to restart.

b. Install Microsoft iSCSI Initiator on Node A
Download Microsoft iSCSI Software Initiator from:

The current version is 2.06
Lauch the installer

Keep default setting

c. Connect Node A to iSCSI server (emulated by WinTarget)
On Node A, lauch Microsoft iSCSI Initiator on the desktop, the General tab, copy or write down the string after label Initiator Node Name, e.g.,
On WinTarget host, launch WinTarget Console, add a new host

Enter a name to distinguish Node A, e.g., cluster1, de**ion is optional.

Paste or input the initiator IQN (Initiator Node Name) we get beforehand.

Finish the addition.

Assign WTDs (WinTarget Disk) to Node A.
Switch back to Node A, iSCSI Initiator Properties, Discovery tab, add WinTarget host IP address and Port number (3260 by default) to Target Portals.

Targets tab, the WinTarget host is added in Targets, but the status is Inactive now, click Log on… button.

The Log On to Target dialog pops up, check Automatically restore this connection when the system boots, then click OK button.

It will be back to Targets tab, but the status is Connected now.

Bound Volumes/Devices tab, click Bind All button, the WTDs we assigned to Node A should appear under Volume/Mount Point/Device.

Launch Computer Management from Administrative Tools on Node A, choose Disk Management.
The Initialize and Convert Disk Wizard pops up.

Select disks to initialize.

We don not need to convert disk to dynamic disk, so keep all disks unchecked here.

Finish the initialization.

The SAN LUNs we added should appear now.

Create a partion and format it, this will be used as sharable quorum in cluster.

d. Create cluster on Node A
Before launch Cluster Adiministrator, enusre you have added two NICs to Node A. For Windows 2003, Enhanced vmxnet adapter type is available. I am not sure whether only vmxnet is supported when setting Windows server cluster in VMs.

The two NICs should be set to two vlans separately, otherwise, Server Cluster Wizard will report only one network adapter is found.
Luanch Cluster Administrator from Administrative Tools.

The domain that Node A joined should appear automatically, enter a name for the cluster you will create.

The computer name of Node A should appear automatically.

The wizard will check cluster configuration.

If it finds the cluster configuration does not meet requirement, it will shows. Expand the itmes with yellow excalmatory mark to see the detailed information.

If all requirements are met, it will show like

Input an available static IP address for cluster management.
Enter a domain account under which the service will be run, I use Domain Admin here.
Verify the cluster configuration
The configuration proceeds.
The configuration is successful.
Now the new created cluster appears in Cluster Administrator.

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