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2011-03-29 14:57:51

磁盘格式化是计算机用户经常使用的操作之一,但由于操作系统的控制台和外壳(Shell)提供了对格式化的完美支持,使编程人员很容易忽视用户对格式化的 基本需求。在他们看来,磁盘格式化对用户来说并不是一个太大的问题,应用程序不必要对它提供支持。其实,这是一个错觉,当用户在运行应用程序遇到需要格式 化磁盘时,再切换到控制台或者资源管理器去格式化磁盘是非常不便和烦琐的。  
还有一部分编程人员认为磁盘格式化很容易实现,没有技术障碍,因此没有赋予足够重视。其实,在实际编程时笔者发现磁盘格式化是一个不大不小的问题。一方 面,它要求编程尽量简单,不要涉及中断、端口读写、物理扇区存取、VXD、WDM驱动程序等复杂细节,只要能实现格式化即可,代码越简单越好,最好是只调 用一个函数即可实现。另一方面,笔者却发现,基本上所有的编程参考书籍都对这个问题只字不提,在MSDN中也很难找到一个具有这样功能的 FormatDisk函数。当然,我们可以利用WinExec、CreateProcess和ShellExecute等函数去执行Format命令,并 且这方案完全可行,不过随之产生的控制台窗口会使我们的窗口程序显得不伦不类,破坏原有的程序界面。虽然我们还可以通过设置CreateProcess函 数的参数实现对控制台窗口的隐藏,使Format.exe隐蔽地在后台运行,但这又需要我们维护它的完整路径,这也存在一定困难。  
从实际应用的角度看,从Windows   9X到Windows   NT都应该提供这个FormatDisk函数,否则怎么实现资源管理器窗口的磁盘格式化呢?笔者通过仔细查找发现,Windows   确实提供了这样一个函数,尽管文档资料没有注明,但是如果我们使用View   Dependencies打开Shell2.dll,就会发现这个函数。它就是SHFormatDrive,编译连接到Shell32.lib。尽管通过 平台的SDK文档和SHELLAPI.H文件并不能发现这个函数,但是Win32各个操作系统都能找到它的踪影。应用程序可以通过调用这个函数实现借用外 壳的磁盘格式化对话框格式化磁盘。调用约定如下:  
DWORD   WINAPI   SHFormatDrive(HWND   hwnd,UINT   drive,UINT   fmtID,UINT   options);  
drive:要格式化的驱动器号,以A:   ==   0为基准,依此类推;  
fmtID:必须设定为   SHFMT_ID_DEFAULT,即0xFFFF;  
options:可以有两个选择项:SHFMT_OPT_FULL   0x0001和SHFMT_OPT_SYSONLY   0x0002,如果这一项设置为零,系统就要使用快速格式化作为默认设置。    
#define   SHFMT_ERROR   0xFFFFFFFFL    
#define   SHFMT_CANCEL   0xFFFFFFFEL    
//   不能进行磁盘格式化  
typedef   DWORD   (WINAPI   *PFNSHFORMATDRIVE)(HWND   hwnd,UINT   drive,UINT   fmtID,UINT   options);  
HINSTANCE   hInstance=LoadLibrary(_T  
If(hInstance==NULL)   return;  
(pFnSHFormatDrive)(hwnd,drive/*a:==0*/,fmtID/*   SHFMT_ID_DEFAULT   */,options);  
本程序在Windows   2000环境下调试通过,使用Delphi、Visual   Basic的用户通过调用上述Windows   SDK   函数也可以实现磁盘格式化。 

  1. #if !defined(SHFMT_OPT_FULL)

  2.       #if defined (__cplusplus)
  3.       extern "C " {
  4.       #endif

  5.       /*****************************************************************
  6.       The SHFormatDrive API provides access to the Shell 's format
  7.       dialog box. This allows applications that want to format disks to bring
  8.       up the same dialog box that the Shell uses for disk formatting.

  9.       PARAMETERS
  10.             hwnd = The window handle of the window that will own the
  11.                                 dialog. NOTE that hwnd == NULL does not cause this
  12.                                 dialog to come up as a "top level application "
  13.                                 window. This parameter should always be non-null,
  14.                                 this dialog box is only designed to be the child of
  15.                                 another window, not a stand-alone application.

  16.             drive = The 0 based (A: == 0) drive number of the drive
  17.                                 to format.

  18.             fmtID = Currently must be set to SHFMT_ID_DEFAULT.

  19.             options = There are currently only two option bits defined.

  20.                                       SHFMT_OPT_FULL
  21.                                       SHFMT_OPT_SYSONLY

  22.                                 SHFMT_OPT_FULL specifies that the "Quick Format "
  23.                                 setting should be cleared by default. If the user
  24.                                 leaves the "Quick Format " setting cleared, then a
  25.                                 full format will be applied (this is useful for
  26.                                 users that detect "unformatted " disks and want
  27.                                 to bring up the format dialog box).

  28.                                 If options is set to zero (0), then the "Quick Format "
  29.                                 setting is set by default. In addition, if the user leaves
  30.                                 it set, a quick format is performed. Under Windows NT 4.0,
  31.                                 this flag is ignored and the "Quick Format " box is always
  32.                                 checked when the dialog box first appears. The user can
  33.                                 still change it. This is by design.

  34.                                 The SHFMT_OPT_SYSONLY initializes the dialog to
  35.                                 default to just sys the disk.

  36.                                 All other bits are reserved for future expansion
  37.                                 and must be 0.

  38.                                 Please note that this is a bit field and not a
  39.                                 value, treat it accordingly.

  40.             RETURN
  41.                   The return is either one of the SHFMT_* values, or if
  42.                   the returned DWORD value is not == to one of these
  43.                   values, then the return is the physical format ID of the
  44.                   last successful format. The LOWORD of this value can be
  45.                   passed on subsequent calls as the fmtID parameter to
  46.                   "format the same type you did last time ".

  47.       *****************************************************************/
  48.       DWORD WINAPI SHFormatDrive(HWND hwnd,
  49.                                                             UINT drive,
  50.                                                             UINT fmtID,
  51.                                                             UINT options);

  52.       //
  53.       // Special value of fmtID which means "use the defaultformat "
  54.       //

  55.       #define SHFMT_ID_DEFAULT 0xFFFF

  56.       //
  57.       // Option bits for options parameter
  58.       //

  59.       #define SHFMT_OPT_FULL 0x0001
  60.       #define SHFMT_OPT_SYSONLY 0x0002

  61.       //
  62.       // Special return values. PLEASE NOTE that these are DWORD values.
  63.       //

  64.       #define SHFMT_ERROR 0xFFFFFFFFL // Error on last format,
  65.                                                                                     // drive may be formatable
  66.       #define SHFMT_CANCEL 0xFFFFFFFEL // Last format wascanceled
  67.       #define SHFMT_NOFORMAT 0xFFFFFFFDL // Drive is not formatable

  68.       #if defined (__cplusplus)
  69.       }
  70.       #endif
  71.       #endif

  72. //End:Begin
  73. 调用方式如:
  74.       SHFormatDrive (m_hWnd, 0 /* A: */, SHFMT_ID_DEFAULT, 0);

  75. 注意:

  76. 如果你不希望系统弹出Abort, Retry, or Ignore的询问对话框,可以用SetErrorMode

  78.     UINT OldMode = SetErrorMode(0); //得到缺省设置
  79.     SetErrorMode(OldMode & !SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS);//设置处理方式

  80.     SHFormatDrive (m_hWnd, 0 /* A: */, SHFMT_ID_DEFAULT, 0);

  81.     SetErrorMode(OldMode);

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