The second release candidate of 2.0 is available for download and testing: "
2 comes very near to how I think SaxenOS 2.0 should be. Changes:
'outsourced' REALbasic; added folder addonpacks/ to the CD with
installers for REALbasic and NoteCase; recompiled Xfce since the
Zenwalk packages didn't work as expected; installed size is now down to
1.6 GB; full German installation documentation; added many free Arabic
and Hebrew True Type fonts; added Gentium and Linux Libertine fonts and
some more from; Gizmo VoIP menu button fixed; CD
auto-start in Windows works (opens default browser with the
documentation). Still open: English translation of the help text files;
some small translation changes to the installer." Here is the brief . : (638MB, ).
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