Warren Woodford has announced the release of the third beta of 6.0-4 for both i386 and x86_64 architectures: "
LLC has released Beta3 of SimplyMEPIS-32 and SimplyMEPIS-64 Version
6.0-4. This is an essential release for anyone who encountered video
problems when running SimplyMEPIS-32 or SimplyMEPIS-64 from CD. Warren
Woodford of MEPIS said: 'We've received lots of feedback and
suggestions. So development is taking longer than I expected." As of
Beta 3, SimplyMEPIS includes updates to several packages including
Firefox and kde 3.5.3. Bugs have been fixed in splashy, video
detection, network configuration, long passwords, Skype on 64 bit,
KlamAV, installation, and more." Here is the full . : (678MB, ), (685MB, ).
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