关于关键词 的检测结果,共 3
xcgsnowdrop | 2014-10-22 16:45:55 | 阅读(2960) | 评论(0)
How to install Ruby on Rails on CentOS 6.4Ruby is a dynamic, reflective, general-purpose object-oriented programming language that combines syntax inspired by Perl with Smalltalk-like features.Before installing Ruby on our machine we have to update our system and have to install some depende...【阅读全文】
【项目管理】 Ruby的垃圾回收
bendeer | 2010-04-07 23:32:22 | 阅读(2008) | 评论(0)
hiyachen | 2006-09-15 08:49:57 | 阅读(3806) | 评论(0)