关于关键词 的检测结果,共 708
emailwht | 2013-04-30 15:47:28 | 阅读(1320) | 评论(0)
From:http://www.blogjava.net/realsmy/archive/2007/04/23/113026.html从功能上划分,SQL语言可以分为DDL,DML和DCL三大类。    1. DDL(Data Definition Language)     数据定义语言,用于定义和管理 SQL 数据库中的所有对象的语言 ;    CREATE---创建表    ALTER-...【阅读全文】
9seor0fz | 2013-04-25 13:05:05 | 阅读(370) | 评论(0)
Acquiring fantastic fashion sense lets you put forward the correct expression and elegance that receives you noticed in public. If you'd like for making a trend statement along with your visual appeal when promoting your organizationbarbour jacket, custom made shirts displaying a emblem imprints you...【阅读全文】
junsansi | 2013-04-24 16:35:41 | 阅读(620) | 评论(0)
同一个Data Guard配置包含一个Primary数据库和最多九个Standby数据库。Primary的创建就不说了,Standby数据库初始可以通过primary数据库的备份创建。一旦创建并配置成standby后,dg负责传输primary数据库redo data到standby数据库,standby数据库通过应用接收到的redo data保持与primary数据库的事务一致...【阅读全文】
wuxiaobo_2009 | 2013-04-02 22:17:01 | 阅读(1150) | 评论(1)
sqlplus oracle 【阅读全文】
【Oracle】 常用sql
anfenghu | 2013-04-02 09:57:25 | 阅读(550) | 评论(0)
云中的二舅 | 2013-03-21 13:18:57 | 阅读(2890) | 评论(0)
--1、用sys用户等陆的话:Sql代码 select text from dba_source where owner= 'lingfeng' and type = 'PROCEDURE'; oracle认证考试--2、用一般用户(要导出其下存储过程的用户):Sql代码 select text from user_source; spool off; oracle认证考试法三:(自己写存储过程导出)1....【阅读全文】
【Oracle】 C++ odbc
cherish568 | 2013-03-16 09:59:36 | 阅读(2490) | 评论(0)
cherish568 | 2013-03-16 09:48:07 | 阅读(850) | 评论(0)
cissdy | 2013-03-11 08:39:58 | 阅读(1300) | 评论(0)
一.备份所有归档日志文件   RMAN> backup archivelog all delete input;二: restore archivelog 的各种选项   1.恢复全部归档日志文件     RMAN> restore archivelog all;   2.只恢复5到8这四个归档日志文件     RMAN> restore arc...【阅读全文】
yh378057016 | 2013-03-08 01:16:48 | 阅读(480) | 评论(0)
At Old Trafford, C Luo again proved superior ability to own scoring crucial goals. Among the eight Champions League games this season, has been carried out, the Portuguese superstar has scored eight goals, his success beyond Yilmaz, ranked the Champions League top scorer first name. More important...【阅读全文】
EnchanterBlue | 2013-02-19 21:59:52 | 阅读(1690) | 评论(0)
SQL TRACE 和 tkprof sql语句分析工具 SQL TRACE 和 tkprof sql语句分析工具 一 SQL TRACE 使用方法:  1.初始化sql trace    参数:    &...【阅读全文】
gun_hap | 2013-02-16 14:28:16 | 阅读(1140) | 评论(0)
--行列转换 行转列  DROP TABLE t_change_lc;  CREATE TABLE t_change_lc (card_code VARCHAR2(3), q NUMBER, bal NUMBER);  INSERT INTO t_change_lc   SELECT "001" card_code, ROWNUM q, trunc(dbms_random.VALUE * 100) bal FROM dual CONNECT BY ROWNUM <= 4  UNION   SELECT "002" card_code,...【阅读全文】
yangemil | 2013-01-28 09:20:53 | 阅读(1470) | 评论(0)
找出访问一个对象的会话的进程信息及会话信息select distinct s.username, p.pid, osuser, p.spid, s.process, s.lockwait  from v$process p, v$session s, v$access awhere a.sid = s.sid  and p.addr = s.paddr  and s.sid = 33 ;  看一个sql运行了多少次,导致的disk reads为多大:S...【阅读全文】
wujiajia | 2013-01-24 15:58:41 | 阅读(2240) | 评论(0)
liurenzhong1984 | 2013-01-16 11:31:40 | 阅读(9150) | 评论(1)
suqiansiyang | 2013-01-15 13:48:18 | 阅读(2200) | 评论(0)
create table t1 as select sql_text from v$sqlarea;alter table t1 add sql_text_wo_constants varchar2(1000);create or replace function remove_constants(p_query in varchar2)  return varchar2 as  l_query     long;  l_char      varchar...【阅读全文】
you12323464 | 2013-01-11 16:41:07 | 阅读(3850) | 评论(1)
1.       实验环境 1.1笔记本电脑,windows xp系统 1.2 oracle10g 32位,非归档模式;   2.       步骤 2.1开启数据库的审计功能 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>sqlplus /nolog   SQL*Plus: Release - Production on 星期五 1月 11 15:31:35 2013 &nb【阅读全文】
古丁高手 | 2012-12-30 01:15:40 | 阅读(1135) | 评论(0)
SQL> create or replace procedure sp_pro7(goodsnum char) is  2  v_category goods.category%type;  3  begin  4  select category into v_category from goods where goodsid=goodsnum;  5  if v_category='家具' then  6  update goods set unitprice=unitprice-10【阅读全文】
古丁高手 | 2012-12-29 23:46:31 | 阅读(3471) | 评论(0)
create or replace procedure sp_pro6(spname char) is --创建一个过程附带一个输入形参v_price goods.unitprice%type;--变量类型begin--执行部分select unitprice into v_price from goods where goodsname=spname;if v_price<5 then--条件语句update goods set unitprice=unitprice*1.1 where goodsname=spname;end if;end;   exec sp_pro【阅读全文】